I am what I am… no, not Popeye.








· Writing,Author,Entertainment,Writing tips,Writing challenges

I am what I am… no, not Popeye.

I am a writer. There, I said it. I have denied it for so long that now that I admit I am one, it’s quite liberating. So welcome to this writer’s abode. My first blog, numero uno, inaugural blog, my debut… and the list goes on.

I started writing full time in November 2018. I entered a competition with my first short story. No, I didn’t win, but something changed in me, and book ideas/plots bombarded my poor brain. I had so many ideas that my two hands and ten fingers couldn’t keep up. Three years later, I have written over nineteen works. One full length (the first of a five-book series), five novellas, two short stories, four-chapter stories, and two fanfictions. The remaining five are works in progress. This woman is on fire!

Who or what am I? I write in different genres, as a multi-genre writer. I grew up reading romance novels and loved books in a series. I write paranormal, fantasy, romance, fan fiction, adventure, mystery, LGBTQ, short stories. Well, enough about me, let’s talk about you.

A big thank you for checking out my blog. It’s a wonderful feeling to meet and encounter readers and writers alike. Readers give me the oomph to continue writing while writers help me whenever I call. Gracias.

For writers, you’ve probably read so many expert tips on how to be a writer and even more on how to be a profitable one. So, have I. Did tip help you? Want to share? Did you use any of those gazillion tips? Which one worked for you? I tried a tip or two, but what I realized is that to be a writer all you need to do is simply just write. One tip that’s stuck with me is to write at least 500 words a day. Try it. It’s easier than it sounds.

And what about the latest thing: ‘branding? Folks want to know what your brand is. A few months ago, another writer drew me into a branding conversation and asked me, what’s my genre? I’m a multi-genre writer, I replied. No, you can’t be, she yelled. Why not, I asked? Because a writer must stick to one genre and one genre only. I write whatever occupies my brain regardless of genre; I concluded. I’ve written mystery, adventure, dark love, fanfiction, and my favorite one is paranormal fantasy with vampires, werewolves with a little slice of witches, werecats, fairies, and pixies. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is my brand.

         Question: Where do you get your ideas for your books? Music, movies, family, tell me.

Thanks for stopping by my little slice of the planet.

Today’s challenge: Writers, I challenge you to write 500 words a day for one week.

Be good to each other.



Today’s tip: Successful Self-Publishing on Amazon: Six Strategies That Work.


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